You've had some pretty epic realisations recently...
You’ve discovered that it is actually safe for you to put yourself first and speak about all the thoughts and feelings you’ve been having, but have been too scared to talk about. Not to mention the fact that the realisations and ‘aha’ moments you have when you start to pay yourself attention are HUGE!
You’ve also realised that when you work on yourself, every area of your life gets better - your relationships, your career, your happiness…
Which isn’t a small thing. Especially because not so long ago, it felt like you were living life on autopilot. And you’re pretty damn sure it WASN’T taking you to a white sandy beach filled with love, rainbows and an endless happy hour…
But, even though you feel like you’ve cleared the weeds and you’re closer to stepping onto your right path than EVER before, you’re not quite there yet.
✔ Your fear of judgement still holds you back from sharing your thoughts or being vulnerable
✔ Guilt and shame make it feel fucking hard to connect with the people around you in a meaningful way
✔ While some days it feels like you’ve got SO MUCH going on in your life, at the same time it feels like nothing is happening (not anything by your choosing, anyway)
✔ The fact that you can’t get crystal clear on a goal or your life purpose is playing on your mind…
✔ Plus, you doubt whether you’re even capable of following through if you DID have the clarity.
All of this has left you feeling worn out AF (on TOP of everything else that's going on right now).

It's not that you haven't tried to do anything about it...
You’ve given journaling a go and are starting to get into it... but it still feels a bit hard and awkward.
You've dabbled in self care... but it still doesn't flow naturally or you haven't found a routine that really works for you just yet.
You’ve identified some of the root causes for *why* your patterns of behaviour are what they are....but doubt, guilt, shame, and hurt still worm their way into your days.
You understand what your limiting beliefs are and why you have them...but you haven’t been able to fully move past them yet.
And on the worst days, your inner-critic sabotages you with these classic *BS* stories:
“This is as good as it gets”
“You don't deserve to do what makes you happy, you’ll piss other people off…”
“That level of happiness / success isn't for people like you”
You don't deserve to be dealing with the same patterns, telling yourself the same old stories, and feeling *stuck* in the same place for another lifetime.
And while there’s no quick-fix for sustainable, lasting personal growth...
It’s entirely possible for you to create rock-solid self-confidence, shake off old patterns, move beyond your limiting beliefs and create a life you’re actually excited about waking up to.
Here and now, you’ve got more self-awareness than ever before.
Now it’s time to turn it into real momentum, finally move your life forward and experience your true self.

You don't need to spend years discovering the most effective practices and tools to build rock-solid self-confidence, self-compassion and self-worth.

True Self Experience is designed to get you there in months.
Instead of stumbling and fumbling your way along your personal growth path by yourself, this tight-knit group program serves up everything you need to create sustainable, lasting change.
During your 6 months inside, you’ll receive the perfect mix of guidance and structure along with flexibility and flow to:
✔ Build unshakable confidence in yourself — the kind that doesn’t move an inch whether you’re in a relationship or not
✔ Fully back yourself and your decisions
✔ Discover how to love, accept and forgive yourself from your past so you can finally love yourself unconditionally (the good, the bad and the ugly!)
✔ Take action on what you want without holding yourself back from fear of judgement and what others think
✔ Allow more joy and play into your life without feeling guilty for doing so
✔ Get clarity on where to/what next, and create the self-trust that you can follow through on what you decide
“I felt like I had been stuck in a rut since having kids and knew there were areas in my life that I needed help with in order to start living my life how I envisaged.
I had started doing some self-development, but knew I needed to dive in deeper. I knew True Self Experience would give me the space to do that and I didn’t hesitate to sign up.
TSE has been an incredible experience. For the first time in years, I feel like I’m finally getting somewhere. I’m developing a more positive mindset, more confidence and my eyes have been opened to areas of myself and my life I hadn’t even realised. It’s been AMAZING.
I often feel that Jaci knows me better than I know myself and the level of support and guidance I’ve received from her is unbelievable. Nothing is ever a burden or too hard and it’s so nice to be able to speak freely without judgement. It’s an amazing community to be a part of.
I am so grateful to have met Jaci. TSE is the best investment you will ever make!"
Sofie Van Overmeir

"After completing Radical Transformation with Jaci, I knew I wanted to keep working with her. There’s something about Jaci’s energy that’s so magnetising and I want to be around that, and True Self Experience was the perfect fit for me.
I’ve experienced so much change since starting TSE and don’t dwell in a negative space for as long as I used to because I’m more aware of myself and understanding of others. I’m learning to take my power back and make myself a priority.
TSE has allowed me to discover and learn more about myself than ever before. I’ve also started going to the gym, created a self-care practice and am making myself a priority, which was non-existent before. I’m taking risks and doing things I would never have done in the past.
Jaci says it how it is, but is so much fun (and a little bit cheeky). She extracts the essence of what’s being said to guide you to find your own answers, and ultimately discover your true self. She has so much love for all of her clients and I have always felt supported and safe with her.
TSE is absolutely amazing and life changing."
Bec Robinson

Here are the details, starting with what we’ll be diving into when you claim one of the limited spots available:
Each month we’ll kick off with a new module: a live masterclass focused on a specific, power-packed area of your personal growth.
These modules have been designed to help move from where you’re at now to the next phase of your life. You’ll learn how to let go of what’s happened in the past and how to accept all aspects of your true self so you can come to peace with what’s brought you to the here and now, and embrace who you are. You’ll learn how to overcome self doubt, give yourself permission to move forward and find the real, happy, true YOU.

The shame and guilt that you carry with you because of your past puts a limit on:
⭐ how good you feel about yourself
⭐ how much you can grow
⭐ the level of happiness you can experience, and
⭐ your level of confidence.
You’ll go from suppressing everything just to get through your day, to acknowledging what’s happened to you and embracing it as part of who you are.
You’ll take the steps to finally forgive yourself and the world for all the fucked up things that’ve happened to you.
You’ll make peace with your shadow self — those areas of you that you pretend aren’t there. When you give yourself time and pay attention to the parts of you you hide from, you’ll feel the weight of the world lift off your shoulders.
When you learn how to treat yourself as the most important person in the world from real, grounded self-love, it’ll change your life (NOPE, you don’t need to worry about becoming some ego-driven d*ckhead that no-one wants to be around).
You’ll discover how to find pockets of peace every day, and to use those to tune into you and know that you’re ok.
The same self-care practice doesn’t work for everyone, so you’ll explore what feels good for you, not what you ‘should’ be doing.
By this point you know what’s held you back, you’ve released it, and you’ve spent time getting to know what you need to be at your best. With all this new insight, you get to decide what your future looks like and what you want for yourself
You’ll learn strategies to recognise when you’re in a mindset funk, and how to lovingly rephrase/challenge the limiting beliefs so you can get out of it
You’ll uncover how to move past roadblocks like procrastination, fear of judgement and self-doubt so you can maintain momentum and get where you’re going
This module goes beyond how your mind works, and dives into how your body works with it.
Discover how to tune in with your body and act on its guidance so you know when to go, and when to go slow.
You’ll learn what feminine energy looks like for you (flower crowns not required) and connect with who you are on a whole other level.
Get clear on your WHY and what you actually want — not just what family/society has taught you to want
Hone in on what your future looks like WITHOUT limitations
Set clear actions that you are **actually going to do** (Embrace the fear and do it anyone)
These 6 modules will leave you feeling lighter and at the same time, more solid than ever before.
I've also gathered some absolutely remarkable guest speakers for you...

Danielle Lundberg

Yolanda Finette
Holistic Coach
Kylie Homes
Holistic Coach

Sora Schilling
Transformative Coach / Energy Healer
Ellie Swift
Marketing & Mindset Coach

Laura Banks
Mindset, Business & Life Coach
Plus Bonus Live Workshops with:
Tara Winters
Abundance Coach

Eleanor Hadley
Sensuality Coach & Sex Educator
True Self Experience has been intentionally designed as something you'll ACTUALLY follow through on -
It’s not just ‘here’s your work and off you go’.
You’ll get the support you need to maintain momentum, move forward on what you want for yourself and finally build that self-trust muscle of yours. This support includes:
Daily Journal Prompts
Sometimes you’ll use these to direct your thoughts throughout your day, and other days you’ll wanna dive deeper (there’s no right or wrong here!)
6 x Monthly Masterclasses
I'll be sharing these masterclasses with you LIVE every 4 weeks.
12 Fortnightly Group Coaching
There is where so much magic happens. Not only do you get 1:1 time in this space, you also learn more than you could imagine from the other women in the group.
Guest Speakers
Honestly, you are going to hear from some of the most inspiring, incredible, fucking fantastic humans I have ever met. Each person you will meet has touched my life in some way or another, and I know they're going to gift you with so much gold.
Supportive-AF Facebook Group
This program takes you deep into your personal growth, which can be confronting. So this group (you, me and the other women) will be with you every step of the way. (Pssst - there's no assholes allowed in any of my programs so you'll be surrounded by women on the same journey as you!)
“I made more progress in 5-weeks through the group coaching than I have in the last two years of my healing journey. This is because I was completely supported by Jaci and the other women in the group. The best investment I can ever make is in myself.
I released and resolved the deep pain and hurt that I had been holding on to from my past. Not only did I heal the pain and hurt, but I grew from it and transformed. What was once a deep pain point, became a beautiful lesson."
Sussana Christine

“If I’m honest, before signing up to TSE I was at the lowest point in my life. I felt flat and overwhelmed and needed support around certain areas of my life.
Through doing a lot of deep work, showing up for all the calls and really committing to this experience I have discovered and learnt so much about myself. There have been so many changes in my life and I feel like a completely different person.
I’m less reactive to situations, am more calm when faced with obstacles and am so excited about my life and what’s to come. I’m now taking initiative for my life and making decisions that will support me in the future.
Jaci is so easy to talk to and is always supportive, honest and fun. She’s able to bring a lightness to situations which empowered me to be ME.
It’s so important to invest in yourself and do this work and TSE is absolutely worth it. Don’t let money stop you from doing this because it’s the best thing you’ll ever do."
Amanda Dibbs
On top of this support, if you choose the VIP option, you’ll receive a bonus 60min 1:1 coaching call with me each month
Yep! If you’re after the extra accountability and coaching, you can use these sessions to dive deeper into what’s coming up for you, no matter where you’re at.
Basically, you get everything you need to implement the healing strategies and mindset tools to:
✔ Develop your self-worth
✔ Build belief systems that serve you
✔ Feel real, genuine happiness that so deeply rooted in who you are
✔ Process emotions instead of running from them
✔ Make decisions about your life with CONFIDENCE. The kind that comes from having your own back 100%
✔ Open yourself to meaningful relationships with yourself, friends and others
Choose the experience that's right for you
> 12 x fortnightly group coaching sessions to work on whatever you want
> 6 x live module masterclasses
> 6 x workbooks to help you implement what you learn in the masterclass, and to come back to whenever you need.
> Daily journal prompts to support you
> 6 x live guest speakers
> Voxer support 2 days a week
> A Private Facebook community with access to Jaci, live coaching and community support from other amazing women just like you
One time payment of
$4,500 AUD
Monthly payments of
$750 AUD
One payment today followed by 5 monthly payments commencing 27th July
(limited to 4 places)
> **6 x monthly 60 minute 1:1 coaching sessions**
> 12 x fortnightly group coaching sessions
> 6 x module masterclasses
> 6 x workbooks to help you implement what you learn in the masterclass, and to come back to whenever you need.
> Daily journal prompts to support you
> 6 x guest speakers
> **Unlimited Voxer support**
> A Private Facebook community with access to Jaci, live coaching and community support from other amazing women just like you
One time payment of
$6,000 AUD
Monthly payments of
$1,000 AUD
One payment today followed by 5 monthly payments commencing 27th July
Monthly payments of
$500 AUD
One payment today followed by 8 monthly payments commencing 27th July
Monthly payments of
$670 AUD
One payment today followed by 8 monthly payments commencing 27th July
You're really keen but you've got a few more questions (that aren't answered above or below) and you want to make sure it's the perfect fit? Perfect, book a clarity call with me below.
In case we haven't already met...
Hi, I’m Jaci!
Certified Transformation & Mindset Coach, Writer, Speaker, activewear extraordinaire and country girl at heart.
I work with game changers. The big hearted humans who have experienced trauma or adversity that still impacts the way they live their life today. I support them as they overcome the hard, painful things from their past so they can break free from how it affects their everyday lives and finally get clear on how they can start living their best life.
The reason my work is so effective is because I’ve been through it too. Five years ago, my life looked VERY different to what you see now.
I was struggling with everything that was happening to me, and to make things worse, I felt like I had no control over how I reacted to situations.
It all came to a head when I realised I’d lost my career as a police officer - which had become whole identity up until that point.
I had a complete and utter meltdown.
My rock-bottom came when I was sitting in the corner of my kitchen floor, with a knife to my wrist, trying to figure out the most considerate way to end my life...
I was done with life being so fucking hard.
It was at that point that I knew something had to change.
I knew that something was me. How was I going to change? I had no clue.
All I knew was that I wanted and needed *more* for myself.
I was sick of dealing with the same old shit that only dug me deeper and deeper into my rut. Things like—
...worrying about other people thought or said about me
...listening to the voice in my head telling me that I couldn’t change and that I wasn’t good enough to have what I want
...constantly self-sabotaging my life whenever I seemed to be making progress
...feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders and constantly having stress in my life
I spent years working on myself to finally overcome my negative self-talk, build better relationships (with myself and those around me), and start believing in myself. And during the process, I discovered a genuine happiness I honestly never thought was possible.
I decided to learn how to help others create this for themselves, and completed my formal coaching training from the best in the world.
These days, nothing lights me up more than helping my clients start to see how incredible they are, and help them realise that life doesn’t have to be so goddamn hard.
I've learnt I can’t control everything in life. Sometimes everything goes to shit (sometimes it has to).
I’ve also learnt that
+ Your past can *actually* make you stronger (even though I used to think that was bullshit), and
+ Confidence can be built to LAST - so you've got your own back, no matter what's going on in life
+ You can't spend your time waiting to feel 'worthy enough' before creating the life you deserve. That self-worth and self-trust is BUILT by going after what you really want.
I know you can make these true for you too.

That's why I'm here to support you as your coach, every step of the way:
✔ I’ll always believe in you. Sometimes more than you do (don’t worry, you’ll catch up).
✔ I’ll see your potential and progress, even when you’re struggling to see it.
✔ I’ll lovingly call you on your BS, and guide you past your limiting beliefs blind spots
✔ I’ll ask you the hard questions — the ones that help you find your own answers within
I joined TSE because I was stuck in a cycle of constantly reacting to situations and had limiting beliefs that I wasn’t aware of. Despite only knowing Jaci for a few weeks and being anxious about spending that much money on myself, I followed my gut and said yes.
Joining TSE is the best thing I have done for myself and my confidence has grown so much. I have so much more self awareness and am able to assess situations to determine if they’re real or a story I’m telling myself, which ultimately means I’m able to navigate my emotions so much better.
Jaci is so supportive. She is honest and says it how it is but in such an encouraging and supportive manner.
If you are thinking about joining, do it! TSE has been an amazing experience.
Lynette Whitten

I felt stagnant in my life, wasn’t moving forward and wasn’t thinking about myself when I joined True Self Experience.
The first month was tough, but working through the modules, my past, present and my future, I have learnt how to show up for myself, make myself a priority and commit to what I want for myself.
I never realised how much I needed someone to hold space for me and Jaci’s positive and passionate nature has shown me it is safe to do that. Hearing her say “How can I support you?” have become my five most favourite words, as it’s helped me to get to know myself on a much deeper level.
Sandra Volkman

If you’ve made it this far, I have a question for you:
What would your next step be if you *already knew* you were entirely worthy and deserving of True Self Experience?
I ask this 'cause I’m guessing what’s holding you back from stepping inside this program has something to do with those old voices that pop up whenever you take a step towards a different, brighter, better future for yourself.
So let me tell you something I’ve learned about ‘worthiness’ in case it helps...
Your worth is not based on other people's opinions of you, nor is it based on whether you have 'achieved' your desired outcomes or not.
You are Worthy Now!
You are worthy of everything you dream about. You just need to believe that. You're inner critic is going to show up and tell you that you 'shouldn't' do this for a million and one reasons... but if you truly know that this is where you are meant to be, politely tell her shut up and get out of your way, so you can embrace your brilliance.
You should be so proud that you’re ready to get to know yourself more deeply.
You're allowed to feel confident in who you are and what you want.
You're allowed to feel energized and excited about your life and know what YOU want your life to look like, not based on anyone else’s opinions or expectations.
You are SO deeply worthy of this experience.
So if you're feeling excited, nervous, a little scared, but also ready to tackle your challenges... you can trust yourself to take the leap!

Choose the experience that's right for you
> 12 x fortnightly group coaching sessions to work on whatever you want
> 6 x live module masterclasses
> 6 x workbooks to help you implement what you learn in the masterclass, and to come back to whenever you need.
> Daily journal prompts to support you
> 6 x live guest speakers
> Voxer support 2 days a week
> A Private Facebook community with access to Jaci, live coaching and community support from other amazing women just like you
One time payment of
$4,500 AUD
Monthly payments of
$750 AUD
One payment today followed by 5 monthly payments
Monthly payments of
$500 AUD
One payment today followed by 8 monthly payments
(limited to 4 places)
> **6 x monthly 60 minute 1:1 coaching sessions**
> 12 x fortnightly group coaching sessions
> 6 x module masterclasses
> 6 x workbooks to help you implement what you learn in the masterclass, and to come back to whenever you need.
> Daily journal prompts to support you
> 6 x guest speakers
> **Unlimited Voxer support**
> A Private Facebook community with access to Jaci, live coaching and community support from other amazing women just like you
One time payment of
$6,000 AUD
Monthly payments of
$1,000 AUD
One payment today followed by 5 monthly payments
Monthly payments of
$670 AUD
One payment today followed by 8 monthly payments
When do we start?Unshakable Mindset officially kicks off on Monday 23rd August. This is when everything you need for your first module will be released. From then on, a new module will be released every Monday for the following 5 weeks.
I have a business (or I’m planning on launching one soon). Is this for me?While Unshakable Mindset isn’t a business only course, I know for sure that there are mindset hurdles that show up when running a business, and if you really want to show up confidently in your business and your life, this is the perfect place for you. Everything that is shared is translatable from personal to business life.
I don't have a business. is this for me?YES! Absolutely it is. Whether you’re a mum, work in corporate, work in emergency services, are currently soul searching to find what’s next or at any other stage of your life, Unshakable Mindset is for you. I mastered my mindset well before I started my business, back before I knew I was a Game Changer. Back when I just knew I was stuck and wanted a better life for myself. I’ve created this for you, so you can create the life filled with confidence and passion.
What are the payment options?There are 2 payment options. You can either pay upfront or fortnightly over 6 weeks. If you choose to pay fortnightly, the same amount will be deducted from your account each fortnight. If you choose to pay upfront, you’ll receive a discount.
How do I access the modules?I use Podia as my course platform. Once you’re registered, you’ll be added to the program and will start to receive everything you need on the 23rd August.
How much time do I need to give this?This program is designed to go at your own pace. You will see amazing results by allocating 1-2 hours of your time each week to watch and complete the content. Some weeks you might spend more time integrating what you’ve learnt, but this certainly won’t be a chor
What happens after I join?Once you join, you'll receive an email with all of the information you need before the program kicks off on August 23rd.
I have another question...No worries! Send an email to jaci@jacirogash.com or send me a DM on Insta - @jaci.rogash

My questions are answered and I'm ready to join!!!
Honestly, it's going to be AMAZING!
I'm so excited to see you in there beauty!
Jaci xx
We acknowledge the Warrandjuri people of the Kulin Nations as the traditional owners of the land where Jaci Rogash Coaching is owned and primarily operated from. We pay our deepest respect to Elders - past, present and emerging