If you haven’t had a chance to listen to last week’s podcast episode yet I shared my word and intentions for 2023 (and you can head back here to listen).
And to follow that up I want to talk about my predictions for the personal development / transformation world in 2023.
These are the things that I’ve seen and heard from my community, things that I’ve seen online and also the direction that I want my coaching to go in.
By no means does this make these things right for you, and if there is something else that you are looking for in a coach this year, that is absolutely more important than this list.
So my top 5 predictions of what people who are ready to hire a coach are going to want to see are:
1:1 or Small Group Coaching (they want to be seen)
I feel like we have come full circle since I first started coaching. Back then I only worked 1:1 with clients and all of the coaches I knew were doing the same. Then slowly we saw a shift to group coaching, and while I LOVE group coaching, I also love 1:1, and have always offered it.
I think the big thing here is the focus on SMALL groups. There is a power in group coaching that you don’t get in 1:1, but you also lose when the group is too big and this takes away from the time and space a coach can offer.
Want to go deeper (no surface level BS)
I have never been here for the surface level BS, but I think this year the people who were willing to tip-toe around doing the deep work are done with that and are ready to deep.
With the deeper connection, deeper questions and deeper explorations, we’re also going to see a lot of personal integration and exploration outside of the coaching sessions.
It’s time for real growth (it’s time to be challenged)
This is all about the changes that people want. They’re ready to shake things up, they’re over feeling stagnant and are ready to be brave and ready for REAL growth.
Clients want coaches who allow them the space to show up as they are and never feel judged, and at the same time be challenged and stretched and provided a safe space to go on this growth journey in.
Will only invest in the right coach (no more splashing cash just because)
People are more discerning than ever when it comes to spending money (and rightly so). There has been too many coaches offering the world and not delivering or coaching for the wrong reasons.
Integrity is key (no more masks and sneaky tricks)
People want to see real people. They want to know who they’re working with. They want rawness, boldness and a truth that promotes security, safety, respect and a bond that will not be broken.
The world is changing. And I believe this to be for the better.
Are these things that you want to see this year?
Is there something else that you think is happening in this space?
You can send me a DM over on Instagram (@jaci.rogash) and let me know your thoughts.
Big Love,
